Saturday, September 15, 2012


Figured the best way to start a blog I want to keep is by introducing myself. My name is Alicia. I have several other things I am called; wife, mother, daughter, and friend are among a few. This particular blog is for me to talk about all things to do with my Mommy title.

I have been a mommy since December 2010 when my first little punk graced us with his presence 3 weeks before he was due for eviction! Little Man gave us all a big scare when he decided to go cord first and his birth ended up happening in the OR. Little Man is currently a rambunctious almost two year old. He likes to pitch a fit first and say 'please' later. But he's awfully cute and his tag has fallen off so we have decided to keep him. :) I was just being mean. Little Man is a joy, but very much a toddler! He has made me question myself several times and I have become a stronger woman for it. He was everything we prayed for when I was pregnant and I truly believe my mother was up there when God was creating him for us.

I became a Mommy twice over earlier this year. The Captain was born screaming at 37 weeks to the day. He is my little porker! A total booby baby and I wouldn't have him any other way! He loves his brother more than anything (well except a good nursing session of course!) and spends the majority of his time watching Little Man run about the room.

We are a Christian family. I can't say we resemble anything like the model Christian family, but I honestly believe that our mistakes give us a better capacity of understanding how much grace God gives us. I feel so undeserving by how many blessings and how much grace He rains down on us.

We are a happily cloth diapering family. I will be quick to tell you it is more about saving my wallet than saving the earth and we are in no way 'cloth snobs.' I don't mind sposies and would probably still use them if it wasn't for the savings.

I am also VERY pro breastfeeding. I'm more of a follower than a leader, but I really do strive to do anything in my power to normalize breastfeeding. Yes, I will bare boob in public if my child is hungry! God gave me such a wonderful gift allowing me to have children and he then made sure I was able to nurture those children with the best food possible. I think breastfeeding is one of my personal ways of praising Him. Not to sound wacko, but breastfeeding my children has been a very spiritual thing. Having faith that He will always provide has made my confidence in breastfeeding (and parenting in general) blossom.

Well, as far as introductions go that's probably the best I can do on a day I haven't had my daily cup of coffee. Questions are welcomed! :)
