Tuesday, October 16, 2012

God attends MOPS

It seems like every time I go to MOPS God really speaks to me through the message and the beautiful women there with me. I am positive God is there with us at MOPS! In my head I get a giggle out of visualizing Him in line for breakfast with us! Anyway... Today at MOPS we were talking about being an 'Acts woman.'

I got to be honest... Only some of the message made an impression on me because I kept gnawing over the part I did take to heart during the rest of the message... Oops... *insert sheepish grin* The part I did take away from it was about listening to the Holy Spirit. I don't think that I can honestly say that from day to day I listen to the Holy Spirit. Or even try to hear for that matter. The idea rarely even crosses my mind. Enter Christine C.... Can we get a standing ovation for this woman?! She might not know personally how much she has changed my life, but she has. Well, I got to tell the story... I wasn't going to, but it really does give you an idea of how the smallest things you do and say can impact someone's life!

It was a Friday like any other for me... I was with Little Man and the Captain. I want to say the Captain was only a month or two old? I wasn't planning on going out this Friday, but I just had to get out of the house. I decided a trip to Barnett Park splash pad was in order. I was completely tired and frazzled, but I knew for my children's and my own sanity we had to go... Just had to. I sat feeling a bit defeated on a bench watching Little Man run around like a mad man in the water geysers and just felt so alone. I was itching to talk to some other moms or any adult for that matter. During this time Little Man has been watching these two little girls play with buckets in the water and he decided he wanted to play too. When the little girls ran over to their mom (who was sitting on the bench next to mine) Little Man plotted his attack and struck! Little Man kept trying to steal the buckets while the girls were being dried/fed/watered by their mom. Embarrassed I kept taking him away from them apologizing left and right. While doing this I noticed the mom had a MOPS bag. I had heard of MOPS, but I wasn't too sure about it so I asked her about it. We probably talked for a good 5 to 10 minutes on the subject and she encouraged me to look her up on FB and to come to a meeting. Back home, after getting the boys down for a nap, I did just that and quickly looked Christine C. up on FB. Not only did she invite me once again to MOPS, but she also followed up on me several times to ensure I would go. Thank you Christine, Thank you!

 Back to what I was originally saying: Christine had a testimony today about her girls accepting Christ and how they have been hearing the Holy Spirit talk with them. She said that they had recognized that both her husband and herself have a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Yowzers! Her little ones are 3 and 4 years old! As a mom I had never even begun to think that Little Man and the Captain would look for that in the Hubby and I. Or that they would be able to process a belief in something not visible. I guess I think of Christianity as something so complex and difficult to understand, when really it has been repeated in the Bible several times about having faith like a child. They can believe, but it is our responsibility to our children and more importantly to ourselves to have this faith and to make sure our children can see it in our actions/words/behaviors.

Christine's testimony was followed up by a Bible study message about being an 'Acts woman.' The Acts woman makes Satan go 'Oh No, she's up!' I want to be that woman! But in order to do so we all need to slow down and listen. God speaks in a whisper.

At first after hearing this I kinda scoffed a bit. Forgive me, but in my head I was going 'What, does God speak in their head? Wonder if it's the Darth Vader guy type voice.' Oh Yeah I went there... and I'm ashamed of it now. Because as I sat there and thought about it I realized God was speaking to me. No it's not James Earl Jones's voice I was hearing. It was just a thought that popped into my head and it's something that I didn't really feel like doing, but when I tried to think up excuses of why I shouldn't do it I got that tummy twisting feeling I got when I knew I was doing wrong. I was feeling led to do something and by trying to get out of it I was disobeying God.

James 4:17 says: Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins.

Wake up call huh? 

Not going to spill out all the gory details of what God asked, but I did do as he said and I feel happier for it. I also realize now that I know God's voice within me. I've heard it before and it's never led me astray. I'm hoping by posting this that it will hold me more accountable to trying to quiet my mind and letting God's voice speak louder than my worries, doubts, etc. I only hope that it will become evident to my children and others around me that God works in my life. I feel reassured that if I continue to listen and be that Acts woman that makes Satan tremble, that my children will have an example to follow.

Today I pray that I will have the wisdom and strength to listen and to follow. I pray that my children will see and will know God in our lives. I pray that this fire will continue to burn in my heart.

 I also pray for my next adventure... Starting tomorrow I'm going to start the Love Dare for the Hubby! I happen to know that he doesn't ever read this blog, so I'm pretty confident that I can blog about it and keep it my little secret! However, if you do run into him or talk to him please don't mention it? I want to blow him away! Thank you Tiffany and Selina for listening to me today and for mentioning the Love Dare! You both have been such a blessing!

Much Love!

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